Thursday 15 August 2013

[Tips] Guidelines For Your Wedding Invitation Cards 喜帖筹备过程

Usually the invitation planning started typically 3 to 6 months prior to the wedding day. However, there are also people that only rush to get it done 2-3 weeks before their big day. 
This is mostly done so when all the guests are locals. Usually this will create problems with filling up the blank seats or don’t have enough seats as the couples might have problem adjusting the seats last minutes and to give last minute instructions to the restaurants or hotels.

If you have more then 6 months to your special day, you should start now.

If you have less than 6 months left, don’t freak out. There’s still time and I hope that with this guidelines, you will be able to get the perfect invitation in time to send it out.

Ordering Wedding Invitation Card
Ideally wedding invitations should be ordered at least 3 to 4 months prior to the wedding date. The wedding ceremony date and location, as well as the reception time and location need to be confirmed prior to planning the order. Ordering the invitation as early as possible will provide sufficient time to send the invitations out to outstation guests.

Mailing Invitations
Normally, invitations should be mailed to guests approximately 4 weeks to 6 weeks prior to the ceremony. For outstation guests, this will help them in planning their travel arrangement. The earlier the better.

Number of Invitations Needed
Inviting 200 guests does not mean that you will need 200 invitation cards. Many of the invited guests will be married couples, single couples, and children who will not need their own invitations. Couples are typically included on a single invitations. This is when the guest list comes in handy.

Ordering Extra Envelopes
When writing addresses for your invitations, it is likely that you will make several mistakes. Perhaps the handwriting does not meet your standards, or you wrote the wrong address by mistake. It is best that you order 20% more envelopes than the number of invitations.

一般结婚喜帖筹备过程必须在婚前 3 至 6个月完成。倘若你的宾客都是本地人,须时筹备也可以大量缩短,但如果你不想看到座无虚席,或有多余席位的酒席场面出现,大可现在开始准备喜帖咯!


2.在两个姓名之间应该写上“暨” (jì) 或 “和”,不用顿号或逗号。
5.用了“全家福”后面不用再加 “收” 或 “啟” 。
6.如果用贤伉儷(无小孩者)直接 + “钧啟” 或 “台啟” 不用再加全家福。

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